
Publisher and Provider: Lucas Meyer Service GmbH.

Lucas Meyer Service GmbH
Airport Center
Flughafenstrasse 52a
D-22335 Hamburg

Fon: +49 40 53299420
Mobile: +49 170 4743949

General Manager: Lucas Meyer
HR Hamburg: B 47066
VAT ID no. according to § 27 a sales tax law: DE234782684
Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV: Lucas C. Meyer


No legal warning (in German: Abmahnung) without prior contact

In the case of competition law, domain law, copyright or similar problems, we ask you to contact us in advance to avoid unnecessary legal disputes and costs. We guarantee that passages or terms that are justifiably objected to will be immediately removed, without you having to call in legal counsel. The cost note of a legal warning without prior contact to us will be rejected as unfounded in the sense of the obligation to mitigate damage. If necessary, we will file a counterclaim for violation of the aforementioned provisions.